Nanolive in the Press

Best Of

Watching and analyzing T cells attack cancer cells in real time

September 28, 2021


Bilan logo

Une nouvelle ère s’ouvre en matière de microscopie

April 7, 2021


Holo-tomographic microscopy allows researchers to quantify new cell biology phenomena

December 13, 2019

News Medical

Swisscom investit dans une startup Lausannoise

October, 2016

Tribune de Genève

“…the 3D Cell Explorer (…) allows researchers and medical doctors to peer inside living cells at high-resolution and in 3D.”

February, 2015

LaserFocus World

Noninvasive 3D cell imaging

March 23, 2015

Laser Focus World

Peering into living cells without dye or fluorophore

February 07, 2013



Peering into Living Cells

February 13, 2013

Imaging & Microscopy

Tech Explorist

Scientists analyzed how T cells attack cancer cells in real-time

September 28, 2021

Tech Explorist

Du laboratoire au marché: le parcours du combattant

January 29, 2020


La scale-up lausannoise Nanolive lance un nouveau microscope

July 15, 2019


Un microscope holo-tomographique à fluorescence développé à Lausanne

March 22, 2017


The 3D Cell Explorer

February, 2016

Micro & Nano Mag

“…their 3D Cell Explorer is a superpowered laboratory microscope that uses holographic algorithms to create detailed stereoscopic visualizations of microbial and cellular life.”

June 4, 2015

Microscopy of live cells without invasive chemicals

July, 2015

Microscopy Today

LaserFocus World

Super-res microscope explores…

November 04, 2014

Laser Focus World

Automated microscope gives a look inside live cell populations

July 12, 2019


Une semaine dans la Silicon Valley…

October, 2016

Le Temps

Stain-free 3D Nanoscopy of Living Cells

February 23, 2016

Optik & Photonik

“The 3D Cell Explorer is a high speed, high resolution and non-invasive tool that can look deep inside biological systems. This allows you to record stunning 3D images of entire cells in just seconds and with a higher resolution than any conventional microscope on the market.”

March 18, 2015

The Scientist

“Les microscopes novateurs de Nanolive prêts à être commercialisés”

March 10, 2015

Le Temps

Peering into living cells without dye or fluorophore

August 02, 2013


Peering into living cells without dye or fluorophore

February 07, 2013